Hotels from Castelul Wesselényi din Jibou

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Pensiunea Casa Ando * * *

Address: Str. Gheorghe Doja, Nr. 66A
  Jibou, Sălaj county, Romania

Mobile: +40 766 287704

Pensiunea Ag Eden

Pensiunea Ag Eden * * *

Address: Str. Bailor Nr. 32
  Jibou, Sălaj county, Romania

Mobile: +40 744 785810

Hotel Alex

Hotel Alex * * *

Address: Str. 1 Mai, Nr.17
  Jibou, Sălaj county, Romania

Phone: +40 260 641388

Fax: +40 260 641388

Alex tourist complex is located in the city Jibou (near BCR), in Salaj county.


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