The Mocioni-Teleki Castle from Capalnas



The Mocioni-Teleki Castle Castle from Capalnas, Arad county, was built in 1860, by architects and Italian handymen and was named after the last member of the Mocioni family, who married count Teleki Jenő. The edifice was restaurated in 1964, becoming one of the best kept architectural monuments from the county. The castle was also called Trianona because of its beauty. In front of the castle there was built a fountain with the statue of a deer, following the trends of arranging the castles by that time in France.

The façade of the castle has four columns made of stone, ornated with Corintic neckings. Above each of the three entrances there is a square window. The big rooms and well arranged, used by the family members, along with the old furniture, a massive-wooden wardrobe and a shelf were kept quite well. The access from the exterior to the terrace is made by two marble stairs, having the shape of a half-circle. The castle was used as a residence by Alexandru Moccioni, who was the president of the National Romanian Party from Crisana and Banat.

The castle and the park were retroceeded to the successors.


Photo galery

The Mocioni-Teleki Castle from Capalnas / 1The Mocioni-Teleki Castle from Capalnas / 2The Mocioni-Teleki Castle from Capalnas / 3



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