The Kálnoky Castle from Micloşoara



The Kanlnoky castle from Miclosoara, Covasna county, was built in 1500, being first a haunting manner with an architecture that combines the barock, renascent style and neoclassic. The castle has many renascent elements, such as painted decorations on the wall. The archeological diggings showed up the foundation of the building, made by medieval stone.

There is a legend, it’s said that in the 13th century, a sequin called Kálnoky saved the life of the Hungarian King during a haunting, killing a bear that was attacking the king, so that the king offered him the domain from Miclosoara and ennobled him. As a memory of the event, the symbol of the family is the bear killed by the arrow.

The actual owner is Gustav Kálnoky’s son, Tibor Kálnoky, Austro-Hungarian Diplomat and Extern Minister for 14 years in the Government from Viena.

The castle was restaurated by Tibor Kálnoky, along with other traditional houses from the town, becoming a visited tourist location and very appreciated by the foreign tourists. By his investments he created the basis of the rural ecological tourism from Miclosoara. The access in the castle surrounded by a beautiful park is made by some imposing gates, that open in front of a valley, surrounded by chestnuts.


Photo galery

The Kálnoky Castle from Micloşoara / 1The Kálnoky Castle from Micloşoara / 2The Kálnoky Castle from Micloşoara / 3



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