The Castle from Fagaras



The castle from Fagaras, Brasov county, was built at the end of the 14th century, on the place of an old fortification, made of wood and mud. Between 1368 and 1464, the domain of Fagaras was under the ruling of the emperors of Tara Romaneasca. The first mention of the castle (by then a citadel) appears in a document from 1456, in which it is said that it has an irregular quadrate shape, having polygonal towers at the corners. They were afterwards named “The Round Tower”, “The Red Tower”, “The Thomori Tower” and “The Báthory Tower”.

Between 1528 and 1541 the emperor of Transylvania, Stefan Maliat transformed the citadel into a fortified castle, the old nucleus being surrounded by new walls and a water ditch. During the principles Gabriel Bethlen and Gheorghe Rákóczi it had the style of the Transylvanian Reinassance. The castle was surrounded by a bastion citadel built with bricks. The castle becomes the residence of the Transylvanian principle Mihai the 2nd Appafy, in the second half of the 17th century, having a moment of maximum military and political importance.

After 1688 the castle started being used by the Austrians with a military purpose, in that moment starting its degradation. During the communism, between 1948 and 1960 the castle was transformed into a political prison, and between 1964 and 1977 it was restaurated and partially arranged as a museum.



Photo galery

The Castle from Fagaras / 1The Castle from Fagaras / 2The Castle from Fagaras / 3The Castle from Fagaras / 4The Castle from Fagaras / 5The Castle from Fagaras / 6The Castle from Fagaras / 7The Castle from Fagaras / 8The Castle from Fagaras / 9



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