Hotels from Mangalia

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Pensiunea Mihaela * *

Address: Str. Hipodrom Nr. 2B
  Mangalia, Constanţa county, Romania

Mobile: +40 745 697362

Hotel Intim

Hotel Intim * * *

Address: Jupiter
  Mangalia, Constanţa county, Romania

Phone: +40 241 731401

Fax: +40 241 731401

The Intim Hotel*** (former Scoica Hotel) is situated about 200 m away froom Costinesti, in the Northern side of the resort.
Casa Blue

Casa Blue * * *

Address: Str. Libertatii Nr. 36
  Mangalia, 905500, Constanţa county, Romania

Phone: +40 241 755537

Mobile: +40 744 358931

Fax: +40 241 755537

The mini-hotel Casa Blue 3*** is situated in the center of the resort, on a very quiet street, about 500 m away from the beach.
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Vila Diamant * * * *

Address: Str. Trandafirilor Nr. 16B
  Mangalia, Constanţa county, Romania

Phone: +40 241 701702

Fax: +40 241 701701

Hotel Solymar

Hotel Solymar * * *

Address: Str. Teilor, Nr. 7
  Mangalia, Constanţa county, Romania

Phone: 0341-100.390, 0341-100.391

Mobile: 0737-409.163, 0740-900.249

Fax: 0341-100.392

Solymar privileged location, on the Black Sea shore, just 20 meters from the beach, 50 m from the centre and 100 m from Mangalia Spa Sanatorium, make it a special location.
Pensiunea Fonzi

Pensiunea Fonzi * *

Address: Str. Oituz Nr. 20
  Mangalia, Constanţa county, Romania

Phone: +40 241 755511

Mobile: * Birou: 0241-758-000; Fax: 0241-758-244 – Intre orele 9:00-18:00 * Receptie: 0241-753-492 – Non Sto

Hotel Astra

Hotel Astra * *

Address: Str. Teilor Nr. 9
  Mangalia, Constanţa county, Romania

Phone: +40 241 751673

The Astra Hotel** is situated on the cliff of Mangalia, 20 m away from the beach. The hotel has 50 rooms with 100 accomodation areas. The rooms have their own bathrooms, TV cable and balcony.
Hotel President

Hotel President * * * *

Address: Str. Teilor Nr. 6
  Mangalia, 905500, Constanţa county, Romania

Phone: +40 241 755861;+40 241 755695

Fax: +40 241 755695

The President Hotel 4**** is one of the most beautiful hotels from the Southern side of the Black Seacoast.
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Hotel Callatis *

Address: Str. Mircea Nr. 1
  Mangalia, Constanţa county, Romania

Phone: +40 241 751215

Location: Located on the seafront, 50 m from the beach, with a capacity of 300 seats.
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Pensiunea Oituz * *

Address: Str. Oituz Nr. 11
  Mangalia, Constanţa county, Romania

Phone: +40 241 753980

Mobile: +40 722 332821

The Oituz Pension is situated in Mangalia, Constanta county, in the central area, 250 m away from the beach.


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