Vama Veche



Vama Veche is a border location, here it’s a passing point to Bulgaria, Turkey, Greece and othe destinations from Orient and Asia. A small town, situated few km on the South from 2 Mai, became a very popular place because of its nonconformist atmosphere and the low prices for the food and accommodation.

The beach: The beach is quite good, it’s more than 200 meters wide and like in Costinesti, a point that gives an original note to the nautical horizon is an old wreck that lies few hundred meters from the shore. Tourists can have accommodation to particulars, houses and villas. Campings are also good places for the accommodation, where tourists can place their tents, or in the local courts.


Photo galery

Vama Veche / 1Vama Veche / 2Vama Veche / 3Vama Veche / 4Vama Veche / 5Vama Veche / 6Vama Veche / 7Vama Veche / 8Vama Veche / 9



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